{My best friend's wedding.}

After 4 months of preparing and ogling at Wedding Magazines, my best friend finally got married. 
I grabbed these photos from her photo album at Facebook just to share the great photos that our photographer friend took. I did the liberty of editing it, like it was washed out to show the wedding-ishness of the moment. 

Check out my photographer friend's works here:  Maryaneee

My high school best friends. From left to right: Hazel, Karen, Me and Fatima (the beautiful bride).

Of course, my daughter Vanilla is the most-dressed with matching headband!

Me getting a side bun hairdo.

My very very dry hair.

Pretty Karen! I am proud to have done her eyebrows perfectly hihi.

Dancing with my daughter.

This would have been nice if it weren't for the bottles, the closed eyes, the staring at different directions, the goofy face, etc but oh wells... It was a great night!