{Ava of Ava's Cakes}

Ava's Cakes... it always rings a bell. Ava's Cakes has been famed for their daring takes on cake architecture and their kickass party ideas in Laoag City, not only in Laoag, but the name have also penetrated events/parties in the country and abroad. There's no denying that this cake company had already rooted its reputation deep deep in the ground. There's no chance that no one have never came across the establishment's name.

BUT who is Ava anyways? :-)

Ava is the one and only son of the talented couple behind Ava's Cakes! You've seen this coming, but most people would think Ava was a girl's name.

The couple thought they were gonna have a baby girl, so they readied the name AVA, but surprisingly, they actually had a handsome young baby boy instead. Still, they kept the wonderful name AVA, which I guess might have been their lucky charm to success!

I got the chance to meet him and goof around a little bit. And boy is he a handful! Haha! He is a very inquisitive young boy, very bright! He loves to ask things because it's not enough that he is curious, he needs answers. A genius in the making, I say. Gotta, gotta love Ava. I believe one day, he's gonna learn how to bake and sculpt cakes just like his mom and dad-- this will deff swoon a lot of females alright!